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Dunapack Packaging supports Marathon EPR Group SA in teaching pupils about selective waste collection

The Marathon of Recycling is a project started in 2020 by Marathon EPR Group SA and the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests. As part of this project, primary and secondary school pupils will learn about the impact of packaging waste on the environment and about the selective waste collection.

Dunapack Packaging Romania, the environmental association Little Joys and Gheorghe Lazar National College in Bucharest were the three partners who supported this project, by providing the materials needed for school demonstrations.

The demonstration was made in 2 stages. Firstly, pupils were taught the importance of packaging waste prevention by means of a creative boardgame developed by the environmental association Little Joys. The game helped children discover different solutions for reducing the quantity of packaging waste in a fun and interactive way.

Secondly, pupils were presented how the selective waste collection is made. For the demonstration, Titans Robot and three different types of cardboard bins designed by Dunapack Packaging Romania were used (for paper, glass and plastic waste). The robot was created for this project by the robotic team of Gheorghe Lazar National College and, by means of a controller, it was programmed to collect and then throw the packaging waste in the proper cardboard bin.

Except for the three bins, Dunapack Packaging Romania also created other bins to be left in the classrooms, for pupils to continue the good practice of selective waste collection.